Newman Out As CDRH Compliance Chief, Maisel In As Acting Director

Robin Newman is out as director of the Office of Compliance within US FDA's device center, leaving the post after only 18 months on the job. Agency stalwart Bill Maisel has taken her place on an "acting" basis as he leads the effort to create a "super office" that will merge the compliance office, the Office of Surveillance and Biometrics, and the Office of Device Evaluation into one.

Top FDA officials including Jeff Shuren (left), Robin Newman, Thomas Gross and Bill Maisel answered industry questions at The Medtech Conference 2017 which was moderated by AdvaMed’s Janet Trunzo.
Robin Newman (second from left) answers questions with top CDRH officials, including William Maisel (second from right), at The Medtech Conference in September. • Source: Ferdous Al-Faruque

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