In Vivo - Strategic Analysis For Medtech And Pharma Leaders since 1981



Podcast: Harness Therapeutics CEO Talks Somatic Expansion For Neurodegeneration

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Harness Therapeutics' CEO talked to In Vivo about the company's strategy for expansion and partnering in the neurodegeneration space.

Ginkgo Bioworks' LLM Addresses mRNA Stability

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Gingko Bioworks has released a large language model designed to improve mRNA stability.

Market Access

German Election 2025: Market Access And EU IVD Regulation In Focus For Medtechs Ahead Of Poll

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Lawmaking in Germany came to a halt after the federal election was called, meaning cardiovascular detection and pharmacy legislation were put on hold. In part one of a two-part interview on key themes for industry, Martin Walger, chief executive of the IVDs industry association, the VDGH, lays out the hopes and fears of IVD companies in the run up to the late February vote.