Rexall Sundown

Senior VP Sundown Sales Kelly Michols named president of the newly acquired sports nutrition firm Met-Rx Nutrition, based in Irvine, Calif. Rexall announces completion of the $108 mil. deal Jan. 10. Met-Rx founder Scott Connelly remains with the company as chief technical officer. In addition, Rexall is now shipping Metab-O-Lite diet and energy bars to mass market and health food stores. The bars come in chocolate coconut and yogurt-coated berry flavors. The firm's new Denise Austin Tasty Meal-To-Go diet snack/meal replacement bars, to be promoted under the Ultra Chrome Slim brand, will begin shipping in February. The bars come in three varieties - yogurt-coated tropical fruit, yogurt-coated lemon chiffon and chocolate-coated peanut butter. Both lines of bars carry a suggested retail price of 99[cents] to $1.19

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