Ephedra survey

Ephedrine alkaloid-containing supplement sales rose 76% in 1999 to 3.09 bil. servings, with manufacturers reporting only 25 "serious adverse events" during the year for a total of 8.1 AERs per billion servings, down from 8.6 AERs per billion servings in 1998, according to an AHPA-sponsored industry survey conducted by Arthur Andersen. The survey was mailed to 42 companies, with 14 responding. All respondents said they use a cautionary statement on labeling and identify their products as containing ephedra or ma huang. All of the products recommend a maximum daily intake of 100 mg or less of ephedrine alkaloids, and all but one of the products have a recommended maximum serving amount of 25 mg or less. All 14 companies said they have a collection system in place for serious AERs

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