Litigation In Brief

Antioxidant claims basis for FDA suit: In his third lawsuit filed against FDA in less than a month, attorney Jonathan Emord alleges FDA "created a rigid construct that categorically rejects a large quantum of peer-reviewed science," namely qualified health claims linking antioxidant vitamins C and E with reduced risk of site-specific cancers. Emord's 1complaint, filed Aug. 14 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, says FDA violated First Amendment-based precedent in denying the claims for which he petitioned in 2008. As with the similar recent suit Emord filed against FDA for rejecting selenium QHCs, the Clifton, Va.-based attorney represents the Alliance for Natural Health U.S., the Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship, and businesspeople Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw (2"The Tan Sheet" Aug. 3, 2009, In Brief)

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