There Will Be Healthy Competition Between India And China - Two Emerging Biotech Superpowers - Says Reinhard Gluck, Research Head At Zydus Cadila And Chairman, Swiss Biotech Association

Reinhard Gluck, chairman of the Swiss Biotech Association, had lucrative offers pouring in after Crucell sold Italy-based Etna Biotech, the research arm for which he worked, to India's Zydus Cadila in 2008. Gluck, known for his ability in developing vaccines, preferred to stay on with his new employer, impressed by the opportunities that could emerge from the Indian connection. Excited by Cadila's commitment to the long haul, Gluck says it would not have been as good a call to work for any other established bigger multinational company. On the sidelines of the recent BioPharma Asia conference in Singapore, Gluck sat down with PharmAsia News' India bureau cheif to speak on issues ranging from funding of biotech initiatives to future vaccines and the research outlook in Asia.

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