Latest from Francesca Bruce
Some changes to the contentious social security financing bill have been made, but industry and the government remain at odds over a €1.2bn drugs overspend.
France’s health technology appraisal body, HAS, is putting more emphasis on the importance of economic evaluations in light of the rising costs of health technologies, including medicines and medical devices, and increasing budgetary pressures.
Brazil’s drug regulator ANVISA has also published its first post-marketing authorization monitoring reports on advanced therapies Yescarta, Zolgenma, Kymriah, Carvykti and Luxturna.
HAS, the French health technology assessment body, has issued positive recommendations for several orphan drugs, including for Vyloy, which was provisionally rejected for reimbursement in the UK last year.
Restrictions on commonly used chemicals, increased reporting requirements and enhanced environmental risk assessments are just some of the new EU sustainability and environmental rules pharmaceutical companies are potentially facing. While some measures are multi-sectoral, others are pharma specific. The Pink Sheet takes a look at some of the developments in 2024 and expectations for 2025 and beyond.
Competition to win a coveted joint scientific advice slot will be fierce due to the limited number available.