Latest from Neena Brizmohun
The European Medicines Agency is re-evaluating the marketing application for Aplidin. The initial application was rejected in 2018, but that rejection was revoked last year following a court case for another company’s drug that clarified impartiality requirements for experts consulted by the EMA.
The Pink Sheet's list of EU centralized approvals of new active substances has been updated to include four new products, one of which is Vimkunya, Bavarian Nordic's chikungunya vaccine.
Levodopa/carbidopa (ND0612), Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma’s investigational drug-device combination therapy for the treatment of motor fluctuations in people with Parkinson’s disease, is among the latest products that have been filed for review by the European Medicines Agency for potential EU marketing approval.
Several new drugs that are yet to be approved anywhere in the world are now under review by the European Medicines Agency for potential pan-EU marketing authorization.
The government wants to raise the statutory scheme payment rate for newer branded medicines from 15.5% to 32.2%, after sales data for Q2 and Q3 2024 showed “higher than expected newer medicines sales growth.”
Pharming has convinced NICE to reverse its rejection of its treatment for APDS by providing the health technology assessment institute with more data. It has also dropped the price it was asking for the drug, which has a list price of £352,000 per year per patient.