Vibha is a senior writer covering pharmaceutical and medtech regulatory developments across the globe. She plays a key role in tracking and writing about news of important regulatory issues affecting the sectors, and explaining their implications for industry. Vibha's fields of interest include the EU regulations on clinical trials, pharmacovigilance and pediatrics, on which she has written several exclusive articles from various industry conferences. She has also commissioned some pieces of expert analysis on major developments in the pharma and medtech regulatory arenas.

Latest from Vibha Sharma

EU Project Aims To Boost Drug Testing Reliability By Replacing Monkeys With Pigs

A new EU public-private initiative is developing tools to help clarify when mini- and micropig models can be used as viable alternatives to non-human primates in non-clinical drug safety testing.

UK MHRA Prepares To Roll-Out Decentralized Manufacturing Framework

The UK’s medicines regulator is pressing on with clarifying its expectations on decentralized manufacturing of medicines.

Health Canada Addresses Growing Diversity Of Co-Packaged Drugs

The Canadian regulator says its current policy on identifying and labeling drug products in “kits” is insufficient to address the diverse types of co-packaged drug products that are entering the market.

AI And The ‘Diffusion’ Of Responsibilities In Decentralized Trials

Experts argue that current guidelines on attributing responsibilities in clinical trials point in the right direction but lack the specificity to address the diffusion of responsibilities caused by the use of AI systems in decentralized studies.

ILiAD Targets UK For Landmark Whooping Cough Vaccine Human Challenge Trial

ILiAD Biotechnologies explains why it is confident that it will secure approval for the first-ever pivotal Phase III study using a human challenge model for a whooping cough vaccine. Also, it outlines why the UK is the preferred destination for this ground-breaking study.

EMA Calls For Accurate Data In CTIS To Improve Visibility On Clinical Trials Map

Sponsors who want to ensure their approved studies are visible to patients on the new EU clinical trials map must update their records in the Clinical Trials Information System on time and in accordance with the Clinical Trials Regulation.