ReNeuron Group plc
- Biotechnology
- Gene Therapy, Cell Therapy
- Nanotechnology, Chips, etc.
- Pharmaceuticals
Latest on ReNeuron Group plc
Aspiring To Be Mighty In the earliest years of this century, I was asked by a colleague based in Scotland for 3i Group, to attend a conference there for a second opinion on a biotech company headlini
C4X Discovery Holdings plc of the UK is sick of the dire trading environment in the country and has announced plans to quit the London Stock Exchange’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM). The Manche
Raising venture capital or launching an initial public offering in 2023 is nowhere near as easy as it was in the record-breaking VC funding and IPO days of 2020 and 2021, after a rough 2022 when fundr
Scrip regularly covers business development and deal-making in the biopharmaceutical industry. Deal Watch is supported by deal intelligence from Strategic Transactions . Celltrion Teams With iProgen