Trevi Therapeutics, Inc.
- Pharmaceuticals
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- Specialty Pharmaceuticals
- Biotechnology
Latest on Trevi Therapeutics, Inc.
Trevi Therapeutics succeeded in a Phase IIa trial testing the kappa agonist and mu antagonist (KAMA) Haduvio (nalbuphine ER) in refractory chronic cough (RCC), an indication that has thwarted other ph
Here's your US review and submission news in brief: The Vyondys 53 (golodirsen) saga took a surprising turn last week, as its sponsor Sarepta Therapeutics Inc. scored an approval for the Duchenne mus
After just 13 biopharmaceutical companies went public in the US during the first four months of 2019, setting a pace of about three per month, five drug developers launched initial public offerings on
Only six of the 13 US initial public offerings in 2019 by biopharmaceutical companies have provided a positive return as of 1 May, which may be why the pace of IPOs has been cut almost in half compare