Emerging Company Profile

Early Data In Hand, Vesper Bio Takes On GSK And Alector

Early Data In Hand, Vesper Bio Takes On GSK And Alector

Emerging Company Profile: Danish group Vesper Bio is advancing an oral sortilin inhibitor in frontotemporal dementia, and is aiming to get to market in a similar timeframe to its much larger rivals.    

Empress Looks To The Body’s Internal Chemistry For Drug Leads

Empress Looks To The Body’s Internal Chemistry For Drug Leads

Emerging Company Profile: Backed by Flagship Pioneering, Empress deploys its Chemilogics platform to seek leads for small molecule therapies in inflammation, immunology, cancer and metabolic disease.

Mythic Therapeutics Faces An Acid Test

Mythic Therapeutics Faces An Acid Test

Emerging Company Profile: Efficacy data on the young group’s first pH-engineered antibody-drug conjugate could come next year, and potential partners will be watching.    

Emergex Goes To Battle Against ‘The Nasties’

Emergex Goes To Battle Against ‘The Nasties’

Emerging Company Profile: The eight-year-old vaccine firm is planning clinical trials in the Philippines and Brazil to see how its synthetic viral peptide vaccine technology stands up against coronaviruses and dengue fever.

PureTech Hopes For A Second Lightning Strike

PureTech Hopes For A Second Lightning Strike

Emerging Company Profile: Seaport Therapeutics believes its technology can alter old drugs to remove their flaws. Just how closely can it follow the example set by Karuna?    

Kiromic Looks To Prove Itself In Lung Cancer

Kiromic Looks To Prove Itself In Lung Cancer

Emerging Company Profile: Encouraging, but early, data on a gamma-delta T-cell therapy could position Kiromic BioPharma for deal-making.    

Ambitious AAX Wants To Be Key Player In Next-Generation Antibodies

Ambitious AAX Wants To Be Key Player In Next-Generation Antibodies

Emerging Company Profile: The Swedish biotech’s CEO Maria Lisa Knudsen believes that the firm’s two technologies make it an attractive prospective partner for big pharma. 

Emerging Company Profile: Chinese siRNA Specialist Sirius All In On Cardiovascular Disease

Emerging Company Profile: Chinese siRNA Specialist Sirius All In On Cardiovascular Disease

Sirius has joined the race to develop China’s first homegrown RNAi therapy and is backing its assets’ potential in chronic cardiovascular disorders, including possible once-yearly dosing, the venture’s CEO tells Scrip in an interview.

Freya Biosciences Has $38m And A Plan To Change Women’s Lives

Freya Biosciences Has $38m And A Plan To Change Women’s Lives

Emerging Company Profile: Armed with a new tranche of funding, the Danish group is aiming to improve the lot of infertile couples by altering the microbiome of patients with dysbiosis.