Market Access

US Tariffs: With 50% Of US Generics From India, Industry Ponders If MAHA Will Trump MAGA

US President Trump’s plan for a “25% or higher” tariff on pharmaceuticals promises to have a far-reaching impact, from higher prices and drug shortages to increased onshoring of manufacturing in the US. Is MAGA worth the chaos it might create for MAHA? The Indian industry shares its views.

In Search Of Rare Disease Treatments, Nonprofits Can Lead the Charge

Nonprofits are finding new ways to address market gaps and develop treatments for rare diseases with little commercial attraction.

France Gives Fresh Impetus To Economic Evaluations In Five Year Strategic Plan

France’s health technology appraisal body, HAS, is putting more emphasis on the importance of economic evaluations in light of the rising costs of health technologies, including medicines and medical devices, and increasing budgetary pressures.

Brazil Consults On How To Price Advanced Therapies

Brazil’s drug regulator ANVISA has also published its first post-marketing authorization monitoring reports on advanced therapies Yescarta, Zolgenma, Kymriah, Carvykti and Luxturna.

Ogsiveo And Winrevair Among Latest Orphan Drugs To Secure Early Access Funding In France

HAS, the French health technology assessment body, has issued positive recommendations for several orphan drugs, including for Vyloy, which was provisionally rejected for reimbursement in the UK last year.

Trump’s Tariffs Would Make Generic Drug Sales Value ‘Much Worse,’ Cautions AAM

The Association for Accessible Medicines has urged the Trump administration not to impose proposed tariffs on the off-patent drug sector to avoid drug shortages and additional costs for manufacturers.

Trump’s Tariffs Would Make Generic Drug Sales Value ‘Much Worse,’ Cautions AAM

The Association for Accessible Medicines has urged the Trump administration not to impose proposed tariffs on the off-patent drug sector to avoid drug shortages and additional costs for manufacturers.

EU HTA: Submission Period For Joint Scientific Consultations Goes Live

Competition to win a coveted joint scientific advice slot will be fierce due to the limited number available.

Breckenridge To Strengthen Generic Everolimus Launch With Copay Program

Breckenridge will take a step further into accessible medicines and launch its first prescription copay assistance program for its freshly approved generic everolimus tablets.

AAM Urges CMS To Enforce Its Rightful Power Over Medicare Part D Formularies

While the AAM encouraged CMS to impose its “clear authority” to regulate Medicare Part D formularies, the agency announced that the Trump administration will continue the second cycle of Medicare price negotiations, which has been criticized by the US off-patent trade group.