Speaking of Medtech

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 10: FDA’s TAP Pilot

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 10: FDA’s TAP Pilot

In this FINAL EPISODE of Speaking Of Medtech: The US FDA got something it desperately wanted in its latest user-fee package with industry: a Total Product Lifecycle Advisory Program pilot, or TAP. The agency says TAP will allow for earlier and more frequent engagement with developers – but is it needed?

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 9: The Case For Compliance

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 9: The Case For Compliance

In this episode of Speaking Of Medtech: Over the past decade or so the US FDA and many device makers have been advocating for quality over compliance, but what if promoting compliance was seen as a good goal for the medtech industry?

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 8: Medical Device Quality

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 8: Medical Device Quality

In this episode of Speaking Of Medtech: Too often quality is overshadowed by regulatory and compliance, and some manufacturers view quality as an obstacle to getting product into the marketplace rather than a concept that will help a company save money, reputation, and patient lives.

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 7: Real-World Evidence And Data

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 7: Real-World Evidence And Data

In this episode of Speaking Of Medtech we’re talking real-world evidence and real-world data – what it is, who’s using it, and why the medtech industry and the US FDA are so keen to collect it.

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 6: 2022 Predictions For FDA’s Device Center

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 6: 2022 Predictions For FDA’s Device Center

In this episode of Speaking Of Medtech we’re breaking out the crystal ball to give a few predictions of what could be in store this year for industry and the US FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. From the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to digital devices and facility inspections, there’s a lot of ground to cover.

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 5: MDUFA V User-Fee Negotiations

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 5: MDUFA V User-Fee Negotiations

In this episode of Speaking Of Medtech we discuss the Medical Device User Fee Amendments, or MDUFA, the negotiations for which come around every five years. The MDUFA V talks between industry and the US FDA appear with the inevitability of an unloved season – it seems no one is ever terribly excited to engage in the user-fee process. Here, we break things down.

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 4: FDA’s Regulation Of Digital Devices

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 4: FDA’s Regulation Of Digital Devices

On this episode of Speaking Of Medtech we discuss the regulatory side of digital health – that is, the US FDA side of digital – and some of the more important related policies and activities that are going on at the agency right now.

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 3: FDA Quality System Regulation Harmonization

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 3: FDA Quality System Regulation Harmonization

On this episode of Speaking Of Medtech we talk about arguably one of the biggest regulatory changes to come down the pike in decades: the ongoing harmonization of the US FDA’s QSR, which is going to broadly change the way the agency handles medical device quality oversight.

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 2 – Breakthrough Medical Devices

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 2 – Breakthrough Medical Devices

On this episode of our new podcast series Speaking Of Medtech, former US FDA device center compliance chief Steve Silverman and Medtech Insight executive editor Shawn M. Schmitt talk about the agency’s Breakthrough Devices Program – what it is, how it operates, how device makers can take full advantage of the pathway, and more.

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 1 – Remote Inspections And Device Makers

Speaking Of Medtech, Ep. 1 – Remote Inspections And Device Makers

In the inaugural episode of our new podcast series Speaking Of Medtech, former US FDA device center compliance chief Steve Silverman and Medtech Insight executive editor Shawn M. Schmitt discuss remote facility inspections and question whether they’re the wave of the future.