Unilever PLC
- Pharmaceuticals
- Nutraceuticals
Latest on Unilever PLC
Unilever PLC expects in 2025 to start launching as many as 12 innovations, each costing more than €100m ($108.2m), with its Growth Action Plan (GAP) “firmly established” across the business, says CEO
Nature’s Sunshine Products Inc.’s initiative targeting 100% solar power for its US manufacturing facility and warehouses began in 2021 with a vice president at the herbal and nutritional supplement di
Recent management moves in the consumer health product industry’s women’s health sector include Grammy-winning entertainers acquiring a stake in one firm and a second company transitioning from being
A bevy of CXOs in India engaged in a literal strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) analysis for contract research, development and manufacturing organizations (CRDMOs), amid promising grow