Scrip Asks…What Does 2023 Hold For Biopharma? Part 7: Clinical Trial Trends

Decentralize, Diversify And Prioritize The Patient

From synthetic data to real-world data, from patient engagement to patient stratification, from combination trials to master protocols and from fully decentralized through hybrid to onsite trials, the world of clinical development is undergoing major changes. Fifty executives share their predictions around clinical trial trends for the year ahead.

Clinical Trial Trends
• Source: Shutterstock

Some three years after COVID-19 kickstarted a massive adoption of digital technology and shift to remote monitoring in clinical development, technology continues to effect seismic changes in the trials landscape. Clinical trials have always been about data but our ability to capture more data in more ways and to generate more meaningful clinical insights from a wider range of data sources has exploded. Industry has the potential to fine-tune trials, identifying and enrolling only those patients most likely to benefit, pursuing endpoints that are meaningful to patients and saving time and money.

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