India IPR Realities: Pharma, Legal Heads Discuss Winds Of Change, ‘Damocles Sword’

Leaders from Novartis, Bayer, Sun Pharma, the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance, Médecins Sans Frontières and Anand and Anand discuss India’s evolving intellectual property rights landscape, including pre-grant oppositions, enforcement action and other realities. Concerns around evergreening, restrictions on patent-eligible subject matter and compulsory licensing were also key talking points at a recent conference in Hyderabad.

L to R: Taranpreet Lamba, VP & Head, Portfolio Planning & IP Litigation, Sun Pharma; Sudarshan Jain, Secretary General, IPA India; Robert Stanley, Global Head Intellectual Property & Legal Innovation, Head Legal, International ad interim, Novartis; Leena Menghaney, IP Advisor & Head, MSF, South Asia; Christoph Koenen, Global Head of Clinical Development & Operations, Bayer; & Pravin Anand, Managing Partner, Anand and Anand • Source: BioAsia

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