ESMO 24: Genmab Has AbbVie In Its Sights As Rina-S Shines In Ovarian Cancer

The Copenhagen-headquartered group is taking its antibody-drug conjugate rinatabart sesutecan into Phase III and chief medical officer Tahi Ahmadi tells Scrip that it has the potential to treat far more women than the only currently marketed FRα-targeting ADC, AbbVie's Elahere.

Genmab Office Copenhagen - close up
• Source: Genmab

Genmab A/S‘s acquisition of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) specialist ProfoundBio (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. earlier this year for $1.8bn in cash is looking like a shrewd bit of business following new data on rinatabart sesutecan (Rina-S) which showed an encouraging response rate in heavily pretreated patients with ovarian cancer.

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