BIOSECURE Act – Which Indian Firms Are Best Placed To Help Plug Pharma’s Sourcing Gaps?

Indian CMOs, CDMOs and CRDMOs are expanding capacity and making leadership moves ahead of the BIOSECURE Act, anticipating demand from big pharma and budding biotechs. Scrip brings details on leading Indian firms which could be potential go-to suppliers for US companies affected by the proposed Act

India on the map
Indian Companies Are Gearing Up To Meet Pharma Demand Leading On From The BIOSECURE Act • Source: Shutterstock

The BIOSECURE Act, when enacted, could leave some US pharma firms with pretty big shoes to fill given that it will strip the supply pool of WuXi AppTec Inc., WuXi Biologics, Complete Genomics Inc. and its arms BGI and MGI, at the least and potentially more if the “biotechnology company of concern” definition is applied to additional ones.

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