今天的节目,特邀嘉宾Citeline美国记者Sarah Karlin-Smith和Brian Yang和Dexter Yan一起讨论两个热门话题。
第一个是本月初在芝加哥举行的美国临床肿瘤学会ASCO大会。这次大会的最有看点的Late Breaking Abstracts,中国生物药企劲方,和先声制药以及江苏恒瑞和康方生物都有亮点发布,比如劲方Genefleet的KROCUS试验和Simcere先声药业的SCORES试验。
第二个热点是圣地亚哥召开的BIO年会。Sarah作为Citeline的团队一员报道了此次大会并采访了BIO主席John Crowley。这次大会上对于生物安全法案BIOSECURE Act有哪些讨论?美国生物制药行业人士对于法案怎么看?这份方案上周五没有通过国会的快速通道进入立法议程,下一步有哪些可能的结果?
In this mixed Chinese- and English-language episode of China Biotech Podcast, Dexter Yan discusses China-related highlights from the recent American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual conference, where Chinese biotechs GeneFleet, Simcere Pharmaceutical Group, Akeso Inc. and Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd. presented new clinical results in oncology.
In the second part, Sarah Karlin-Smith, a US-based reporter for Citeline Insights, shares updates on the BIOSECURE Act after covering the BIO annual conference in San Diego. What was the general feeling at the largest gathering for the US biotech sector and what are some of the responses from US biopharma manufacturers to prepare for the proposed eight-year timeframe to halt use of R&D contract and manufacturing services with “companies of concern”?
Sarah also takes a look at some of the potential outcomes for the legislation going forward.
Stories discussed in this podcast:
(Also see "ASCO: Simcere Targets Suvemcitug OS Win In Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer" - Scrip, 12 June, 2024.)
(Also see "BIO Elevates State Policy, Patient Advocacy In Reorganization" - Pink Sheet, 7 June, 2024.)
Citeline · China Biotech Podcast - 14 June 2024 (Bilingual Chinese/English)