Amgen’s Ian Thompson On Payer Shifts, Obesity Opportunity And The Future Of Blockbusters

Launches Have Longer Ramp-Up In High-Pressure Markets

Scrip spoke with Amgen’s senior VP of US business operations about the impact of drug pricing and reimbursement pressures coming from government policy changes and commercial payers.

Close up of Amgen sign at its headquarters in Thousand Oaks, California, USA
Amgen's Enbrel is one of the first drugs under the IRA subject to Medicare negotiations • Source: Shutterstock

Amgen, Inc. executives have been outspoken about the impact Medicare drug price negotiation under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will have on the biopharmaceutical industry, but the pricing and reimbursement landscape in the US has become more challenging not just because of government policy shifts but also from increasingly difficult commercial payer negotiations.

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