Check out Scrip’s annual ranking of Asia Pacific biopharma companies for 2024
World View
While Japan retains its pole position as top money spinner in Asia, Chinese and Indian firms are coming up quickly. The industry also has eyes on these two countries as the BIOSECURE Act forces industry to re-evaluate worldwide supply chain and manufacturing contracts.
While Japanese firms still dominate the money spinners in Asia, companies from China and, lesser so, India are starting to stand out from the crowd.
As China faces the potential loss of a big customer base, the US off-patent industry starts to look for new relationships elsewhere. While building domestic manufacturing capabilities would be the ultimate American dream, the government has yet to offer the carrot, not just the stick.
India is seeing a flurry of activity with big pharma either establishing or expanding their global capability centers in the country. Can these hubs reshape the contours of industry’s operating model across a range of functions and perhaps spawn a pipeline of new leaders along the way?
The Asia 100 ranking is based on Citeline’s analysis of fiscal year 2023 prescription sales data. For more information contact:
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