Cellnovo's Mobile Health Approach to Diabetes Care

Cellnovo is working smack at the intersection of two of the hottest areas in medtech: diabetes and mobile health. Aiming to be the iTunes of diabetes care, the firm hopes to transform today's piecemeal management of the disease. The private company has developed an integrated platform designed to ease the burden for patients with type 1 diabetes, their physicians and their families. Cellnovo's system integrates a blood glucose meter, an insulin pump, and a simple interface that makes it easy to gather and share among all interested parties the many parameters associated with diabetes care: diet, level and frequency of blood glucose readings, insulin delivery profiles, degree of physical activity, and health status, for example. Indeed, because success in type 1 diabetes care heavily depends upon the compliance and adherence of patients to numerous daily tasks as they try to live normal lives, the disease is a good test case for the first end-to-end, patient-centric solution.

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