A slower-than-usual year for medtech M&A in 2023 was reflected in relatively few company exits from the Top 100 annual listing of publicly traded device, diagnostics and healthtech companies by revenues.
MTI100 - Medtech Industry Reaches New Chapter In Its Structural Evolution
Big Ticket M&A Sporadically Eye-Catching In 2023-24
The Top 100 ranking of global medtechs by revenues for 2023 illustrated how the leaders continue to tailor innovation to users and patients according to market trends while driving portfolio management for growth.

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Cambridge, UK-based breath biopsy company Owlstone Medical will apply its volatile organic compound analysis platform in an attempt to develop a test for the identification and monitoring of pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients with cystic fibrosis.
The Doctor Patient Forum says the US FDA should regulate a scoring platform from Bamboo Health intended to help clinicians calculate risk for opioid abuse as a medical device to ensure patient safety.
The urine-based GAGome test showed promise in the first clinical results from the international AURORAX-0087A, in the largest study conducted on clear cell renal cell carcinoma, the most common type of kidney cancer.