US FDA Panel Will Reckon With Need For Diabetes Drug CV Risk Assessments

Cardiovascular and non-CV safety findings from completed outcomes trials to date for eight drugs, as well as the relative paucity of preapproval CV data available for anti-diabetic agents prior to a December 2008 guidance that mandated dedicated risk assessments, may inform advisory committee's view on continuing need for large safety trials.


Whether sponsors of new type 2 diabetes drugs must continue to exclude an unacceptable increase in cardiovascular (CV) risk is the lone voting question being put to the US FDA’s Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee at an Oct. 24-25 meeting.

More from US FDA Performance Tracker

‘Pipeline In A Pill’ Or Pipe Dream? US FDA’s April Goal Dates Test Expansion Strategies


Sanofi’s Dupixent, Amgen’s Uplizna, and Bristol’s Opdivo seek new indications, while J&J hopes to start a franchise with nipocalimab and Stealth’s day of reckoning approaches.

US FDA’s March Approval Candidates Take Aim At Established Markets


March features nearly 20 user fee goal dates, including a crowd of novel candidates for crowded areas like hemophilia, heart disease and urinary tract infections, as well as the potentially first therapies for a rare eye disease and hyperphagia of Prader-Willi syndrome.

GSK’s Penmenvy, Bavarian Nordic’s Vimkunya Clear US FDA, Will CDC Follow?


The US FDA approval of new meningococcal and chikungunya vaccines arrived in time for the 26-28 February meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee On Immunization Practices, if political developments allow.

Rapidly Rising RMAT Designations Crack CBER’s Communication Freeze


The US FDA is receiving more requests for regenerative medicine advanced therapy designation and granting more of them, according to recently reported agency data.

More from Regulatory Trackers

US FDA’s March Approval Candidates Take Aim At Established Markets


March features nearly 20 user fee goal dates, including a crowd of novel candidates for crowded areas like hemophilia, heart disease and urinary tract infections, as well as the potentially first therapies for a rare eye disease and hyperphagia of Prader-Willi syndrome.

EU Decision Time For Topical Gene Therapy Beremagene Geperpavec And Five Others


The European Medicines Agency is set to issue opinions this week on whether pan-EU marketing approval should be granted to a number of new products.

GSK’s Penmenvy, Bavarian Nordic’s Vimkunya Clear US FDA, Will CDC Follow?


The US FDA approval of new meningococcal and chikungunya vaccines arrived in time for the 26-28 February meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee On Immunization Practices, if political developments allow.