Sponsors Of Two Orphans And An Acne Treatment To Defend Marketing Authorization Applications At EMA


Sponsors of three drugs that are in the final stages of the EU regulatory review cycle are due to make the case for marketing approval before the European Medicines Agency.

US Approach To Cell And Gene Therapy Regulations ‘Less Strict’ Than EU


Experts working in the advanced therapy space say the US has less strict criteria for regulatory pathways for cell and gene therapies than the EU, particularly for products in early development.

EU Marketing Approval Gap Between Lilly’s Donamemab and Eisai’s Leqembi Could Narrow


The European Medicines Agency is this week set to issue an opinion on whether pan-EU marketing should be granted to Lilly’s Alzheimer’s disease drug donanemab.

PharmaMar’s Aplidin Back On EMA’s Agenda After Conflict Of Interest Controversy


The European Medicines Agency is re-evaluating the marketing application for Aplidin. The initial application was rejected in 2018, but that rejection was revoked last year following a court case for another company’s drug that clarified impartiality requirements for experts consulted by the EMA.

Branded Pharma And Generics Industries At Odds Over UK VPAG Framework


The UK branded drug industry is calling for adjustments to be made to the UK voluntary scheme framework for branded medicines, after the payment rate increased to 22.9% for 2025. Meanwhile, the generics industry says the scheme is functioning “as intended” and opposes any changes.

EU Project Aims To Boost Drug Testing Reliability By Replacing Monkeys With Pigs

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A new EU public-private initiative is developing tools to help clarify when mini- and micropig models can be used as viable alternatives to non-human primates in non-clinical drug safety testing.

New EU Approvals


The Pink Sheet's list of EU centralized approvals of new active substances has been updated to include four new products, one of which is Vimkunya, Bavarian Nordic's chikungunya vaccine.

UK MHRA Prepares To Roll-Out Decentralized Manufacturing Framework

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The UK’s medicines regulator is pressing on with clarifying its expectations on decentralized manufacturing of medicines.

EU HTA Regulation: Companies Can Talk To National Authorities As ‘Substitute’ For EU-Level Advice


Not all companies will be able to access joint scientific consultations under the EU Health Technology Assessment Regulation, but success is still possible for those that engage with national agencies early on, says EUCOPE’s Alexander Natz.

New EU Filings


Levodopa/carbidopa (ND0612), Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma’s investigational drug-device combination therapy for the treatment of motor fluctuations in people with Parkinson’s disease, is among the latest products that have been filed for review by the European Medicines Agency for potential EU marketing approval.

German, Dutch And Italian HTA Processes Not Supportive Of RWD, Say Companies


Payers and health technology assessment bodies in the Netherlands, Germany and Italy are either unwilling to use real-world data in assessments or cannot due to their existing frameworks, say representatives from Gilead Sciences and Autolus Therapeutics.

Belgian Body Hits Out At Roche For Delaying Biosimilar Competition

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Roche is in the crosshairs of the Belgian Competition Authority for allegedly delaying the entry of rituximab and trastuzumab biosimilars between 2017 and 2020, after the BCA sent the firm a statement of objections over “exclusionary practices.”

EU Countries Unite On Confidentiality For National Consultations On Joint Clinical Assessments


The Member State Coordination Group on HTA has also resolved to improve information sharing with drug developers to improve resource planning for EU-level joint clinical assessments.

EU Clinical Trials Regulation Failing To Harmonize Requirements, But UK Has ‘Great Opportunity’


The Clinical Trials Regulation was “supposed to harmonize” requirements in the EU, but instead it is giving some countries the chance to get ahead by offering faster approval timelines, notes Telethon’s head of regulatory affairs.

New EU Filings Include First-Of-Its-Kind MS Drug Tolebrutinib & HIV Prophylaxis Lenacapavir


Several new drugs that are yet to be approved anywhere in the world are now under review by the European Medicines Agency for potential pan-EU marketing authorization.

German Agency’s 2025 Plan Highlights EU HTA Reg, Long Covid And Smoking Cessation Drugs


An ordinance came into effect on 8 March to ensure that joint clinical assessments can be incorporated into the German pricing and reimbursement system.

Industry Slams UK Plan To ‘Demand A Third’ Of Drug Company Revenue In Q2/Q3 2025


The government wants to raise the statutory scheme payment rate for newer branded medicines from 15.5% to 32.2%, after sales data for Q2 and Q3 2024 showed “higher than expected newer medicines sales growth.”

Last Chance For Pharma To Respond To EU Strategy For Reforming Ecosystem For SMEs


Companies have until 17 March to respond to an EU consultation on a new strategy that will seek to simplify the regulatory framework and make it easier for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises to “access the capital they need” to scale up in the bloc.

AI And The ‘Diffusion’ Of Responsibilities In Decentralized Trials

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Experts argue that current guidelines on attributing responsibilities in clinical trials point in the right direction but lack the specificity to address the diffusion of responsibilities caused by the use of AI systems in decentralized studies.

England Reimburses Ultra-Rare Disease Drug Joenja, While EU Regulatory Review Drags On


Pharming has convinced NICE to reverse its rejection of its treatment for APDS by providing the health technology assessment institute with more data. It has also dropped the price it was asking for the drug, which has a list price of £352,000 per year per patient.