EU Helps Sponsors To Steer National Fee Requirements Under Clinical Trials Regulation

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A working group of EU regulators has developed a comprehensive repository of fee requirements relating to the Clinical Trials Regulation to help sponsors navigate the diverse demands of member states in the European Economic Area.

UK’s MHRA To Offer Private Meetings For Innovative RWE Strategies


The MHRA’s new scientific dialog program will offer drug developers “closed-door meetings” that will offer “confidential, commercially sensitive discussion” with its staff to help them “refine” their real-world evidence generation strategies.

MHRA: New UK Point Of Care Legislation Will Remove ‘Regulatory Barriers’ To Innovation


The UK’s “world-first” tailored regulatory framework for point of care manufacturing is set to enter into force this summer.

Tissue Biopsies: US FDA Urges Careful Balance Of Risk v Need In Clinical Trials


In new draft guidance, the US FDA recommends sponsors carefully weigh the circumstances for requiring tissue biopsies for clinical trial subjects and emphasizes the need to limit them in pediatric studies.

US FDA Guidance Redefines Obesity, But Keeps 2007 Efficacy Standard


The US Food and Drug Administration updated obesity drug development draft guidance for the first time in almost 20 years and although a lot has changed in the field, the FDA’s fundamental expectations to support approval did not.

Science and Politics May Collide As US FDA Offers More Precise Definitions Of Sex And Gender


The draft guidance clarifies that sex and gender are not interchangeable, but could be vulnerable in the Trump Administration as Republicans have argued against transgender medical care and that sex and gender must be congruent.

Off-Label Communications: US FDA Clarifies Safe Harbor For Firm-Generated Presentations

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Final guidance on communicating scientific information on unapproved uses (SIUU) allows firm-generated presentations to be based on sources other than reprints, but says communications based on nonscientific content are not protected from enforcement.

Boosting Reliability: EMA Backs AI Tool For MASH Trials


An artificial intelligence-based pathology tool for metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis shows promise for a drug development landscape that is said to be “fraught with trials that have shown borderline results or outright failures based on liver histology.”

Protect Clinical Trial Data From The Start To Promote Privacy, Build Trust

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Clinical trial sponsors should strive to strike a balance between privacy and transparency at the very beginning of a trial to be successful, advises Certara’s Honz Slipka.

Cut the Clutter From Clinical Study Reports, Advise Transparency Experts

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Two transparency experts share best practices for writing clinical study reports to protect patient privacy.

EU To Pilot Single Assessment Of Multinational Drug/IVD Combination Studies

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EU regulators have approved a strategy to streamline the submission and approval of studies that involve the simultaneous investigation of a medicinal product, an IVD, and/or a medical device. The strategy involves rolling out seven cross-sector projects over the next few years.

Clinical Trials: US Diversity Action Plans Could Benefit From EQBMED Pilot Program

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The Equitable Breakthroughs in Medicine Development initiative, funded with a PhRMA grant, provides sites in historically under-represented communities with support to conduct clinical research. In an interview, EQBMED’s Tesheia Johnson Harris talks about the local sites selected, therapeutic areas for research, and learnings to date.

AI-Generated Plain Language Summaries Of Trial Results Can Save Time, But Need A Human Touch

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Staburo’s Kathi Künnemann examined the utility of artificial intelligence in developing plain language summaries for clinical trials results.

Class Dismissed: US FDA’s ‘Dean’ Bob Temple Retiring After 52 Years


Robert Temple, the US FDA’s most experienced drug regulator, is currently serving an emeritus role at the agency. The immediate impact of his departure will be mostly symbolic, but still unsettling.

Alexion Cautions Against Reduction In EU Orphan Drug Incentives


EU legislators must be “mindful” that any changes made to the EU orphan medicines framework and its incentive structure will impact drugmakers and patients for the next two decades, says Soraya Bekkali, head of Europe, Canada, and international at Alexion.

Gene Therapy Follow-Up: Balance Data Needs And Patient Burden, Bluebird Bio Exec Says

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Himal Thakur said the required long-term safety study can replicate a clinical trial, which is not the intent.

FDA’s Ocaliva Blow Spells Changes In Primary Biliary Cholangitis Landscape

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The landscape for primary biliary cholangitis or cirrhosis, PBC, is set to change if Intercept withdraws Ocaliva, which received its fourth safety alert from the US FDA and lost conditional marketing authorization in EU. Pink Sheet studies data from Citeline’s Pharmaprojects and separately Evaluate Pharma to reveal a promising clinical trials landscape and a sizeable market

Postmarket Studies A Good Fit For Pragmatic And Decentralized Elements

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Incorporating pragmatic and decentralized approaches into postapproval studies presents less risk for data collection and reliability than in the premarket setting, an expert panel said at a Friends of Cancer Research meeting.

US FDA’s RWE Efforts Gain ‘Focal Point’ With New CDER Center


The Center for Real-World Evidence Innovation will promote consistency across the FDA drug center’s many initiatives while addressing regulatory and scientific barriers to real-world evidence in regulatory decisions.

What Will It Take For Korea To Become A Trial Hot Spot?

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Speedier approval of clinical trials, flexibility towards new technologies, faster access to new drugs and lingering regulatory barriers to decentralized trials are among the challenges South Korea is facing in becoming a global trial hot spot.