Hydroxychloroquine EUA Is First Rx Victim Of Hahn’s ‘Move Fast, Course Correct’ Philosophy

US FDA's decision to revoke the COVID-19 emergency use authorization for two anti-malarial drugs keeps with commissioner Hahn's stated goal of moving fast to tackle the pandemic, but shifting course as new data comes available. FDA cited new evidence as well as a reanalysis of the data it initially based the EUA on as reasons for pulling the authorization. Meanwhile, HHS Secretary Alex Azar appeared to equate the EUA revocation as opening the doors for broader use of the medicine, potentially undermining FDA's own communication on the drug, in yet another example of political leaders complicating the science and public health response to COVID-19.

Rubber stamping that says 'Revoked'.
FDA revoked the COVID-19 emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine 15 June • Source: Shutterstock

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