Vafseo Chronology: Complete Response Letter, Dispute Resolution And A Second-Cycle Approval

The Pink Sheet’s Drug Review Profile looks at the timeline behind the development and US FDA approval of Akebia’s Vafseo, a treatment for anemia in chronic kidney disease patients on dialysis.

Drug Review Profile: Vafseo Chronology
Valadustat needed almost 15 years for to move from IND submission to NDA approval. • Source: Shutterstock

The US regulatory history of Akebia Therapeutics, Inc.’s Vafseo (vadadustat) featured a complete response letter, a denied formal dispute resolution request, and a race with two other drugs in the same novel class that were pursuing a broad indication for treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease patients.

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US FDA Review Of Akebia’s Vafseo Informed By Roxadustat, Daprodustat Safety Concerns

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Vadadustat's review overlapped with two other oral HIF-PH class drugs. Safety issues with FibroGen/AstraZeneca’s roxadustat drew attention during vadadustat's first-cycle review, while GSK’s Jesduvroq labeling and postmarketing requirements informed the second-cycle approval.

Akebia’s Vafseo: Japanese Postmarketing Data, Narrowed Indication Eased Liver Toxicity Worries

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The Pink Sheet Drug Review Profile explores the US FDA’s approval of vadadustat to treat anemia in chronic kidney disease patients on dialysis. A complete response letter cited the risk of drug-induced liver injury, but postmarketing data from Japan reassured reviewers.

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