Pink Sheet Podcast: RFK’s First Actions, Pitch To Extend Current US FDA User Fee Agreement, More Trump Impacts

Pink Sheet editors and special guest Michael McCaughan of Prevision Policy discuss Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s first act as HHS Secretary, former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s suggestion that industry extend the existing user fee agreement rather than negotiate a new one, and President Trump’s policies impacting FDA advisory committee schedules and staffing.

Pink Sheet podcast
What will the presidential commission on reducing chronic disease uncover? • Source: Citeline/Shutterstock

Pink Sheet Executive Editor Derrick Gingery, Editor-in-Chief Nielsen Hobbs, and special guest Michael McCaughan of Prevision Policy look at new Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s first assignment, a presidential commission on reducing chronic disease (:29), as well as former US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s suggestion that industry extend the existing user fee program rather than negotiate a new agreement in the current political environment (13:30). They also discuss the impact of President Trump’s executive order mandating a reduction in force across the federal government on the US Food and Drug Administration and communications questions affecting the agency’s advisory committee schedule (25:16).

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