FDA appears poised to more quickly increase generic competition with its expanded ANDA prioritization policy, but stakeholders may be disappointed if they expect any immediate gratification from the changes.
FDA Drug Pricing Policy Offers Short-Term PR Gain, More Long-Term Actual Benefit
Prioritizing ANDAs entering markets with fewer than three approved generics not expected to become a major advantage until first-cycle clearances increase.

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Optum Rx, one of the largest PBMs in the US, declared it was the “first comprehensive, transparent pharmacy services company” after announcing several consumer-friendly changes.
Teva was forced to delist its ProAir HFA inhaler patents from the FDA’s Orange Book by mid-March after the Federal Circuit denied its petition for en banc rehearing. Will the Supreme Court listen?
Multiple sources, including former Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, told the Pink Sheet that industry is quietly complaining about FDA work delays and they expect the problem will worsen.
The FDA generic drugs team’s first public workshop of the second Trump Administration ended with a request that industry amplify the value it finds from public engagement.
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The development could highlight the power of competitive market forces over government price controls or suggest Medicare price negotiation is enhancing competitive market forces.
Multiple sources, including former Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, told the Pink Sheet that industry is quietly complaining about FDA work delays and they expect the problem will worsen.
Roche is in the crosshairs of the Belgian Competition Authority for allegedly delaying the entry of rituximab and trastuzumab biosimilars between 2017 and 2020, after the BCA sent the firm a statement of objections over “exclusionary practices.”