Clinical Trial Diversity Measures Primed For Inclusion In US FDA User Fee Legislation

House subcommittee hears testimony on merits of various proposals to increase diversity of clinical trial participants; whether lawmakers ultimately favor measures that impose enforceable obligations on sponsors, or merely incentivize more diverse enrollment, remains to be seen.

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FDA user fee legislation is likely to include measures aimed at promoting more diversity in study enrollment. • Source: Alamy

US lawmakers showed strong support for attaching to Food and Drug Administration user fee legislation provisions aimed at increasing the diversity of clinical trials, but whether those measures will impose enforceable obligations on sponsors, or merely incentivize more diverse enrollment, remains to be seen.

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Makary Signals Some Interest In US FDA Staff Cuts, Fighting Patent Thickets


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US FDA Says Restored Webpages Do Not Reflect ‘Biological Reality’

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Clinical trial draft guidance webpages are back online following a court order, but with new language disclaiming any information promoting gender ideology as "extremely inaccurate."

CRO Group Picks Seven US Sites To Reap Big Gains In Trial Diversity

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The Association of Clinical Research Organizations has awarded “seed funding” to seven US-based community clinical trial sites to demonstrate proof-of-concept projects aimed at increasing diversity in clinical trials.

Kennedy Would Issue Trial Diversity Guidance, But Not Necessarily Roll Back All Anti-DEI Actions


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