EU HTA Regulation: ‘We Don’t Want An Empty Dossier,’ Warns Coordination Group

Manufacturers that do not answer all questions they are asked during joint clinical assessments under the upcoming EU HTA Regulation could have their applications deemed incomplete, says a co-chair of the JCA subgroup.

Anne Willemsen speaking at TOPRA 2024
Anne Willemsen speaking at the TOPRA Symposium 2024 • Source: Pink Sheet

EU-level joint clinical assessments (JCAs), which will apply for advanced therapies and oncology products from January 2025 under the HTA Regulation ((EU) 2021/2282), will require companies to answer questions in their dossiers known as PICOs (population, intervention, comparator, outcomes).

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EU HTA Regulation: ‘We Don’t Want An Empty Dossier,’ Warns Coordination Group


Manufacturers that do not answer all questions they are asked during joint clinical assessments under the upcoming EU HTA Regulation could have their applications deemed incomplete, says a co-chair of the JCA subgroup.

EMA To Test New Ways Of Managing Conflicts Of Interest


The European Medicines Agency is mulling how best to involve experts in its decision-making processes while avoiding potential conflicts of interest, says executive director Emer Cooke.

EMA And FDA Eliminating ‘Needless Differences’ – Particularly For Rare Diseases


US and EU regulators have invited two companies to work with them on a pilot scheme for assessing drugs for rare genetic diseases, a move that the European Medicines Agency’s Emer Cooke said would help improve “global alignment.”

The Perils Of Ignoring Patients In Drug Development


Lack of early patient involvement in trial design can lead to burdensome studies, inappropriate endpoints, and in some cases clinical failure, delegates heard at a recent regulatory meeting.

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