340B Plan B: Pharma Pivots To Rebate Pricing Model After Pharmacy Restrictions Fall Short

The manufacturer dispute with hospitals and US agency tasked with overseeing the outpatient drug discount program is entering a new phase.

Manufacturers are pivoting to back-end rebates in the 340B program. (Shutterstock)

Pharmaceutical manufacturers are moving to a new way of containing the 340B drug discount program after their three-year attempt to restrict discounts to contract pharmacies apparently failed to achieve the desired results.

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Think Tank Suggests CMS, USTR Could Enforce Most Favored Nation, Other Drug Pricing Policies

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A Republican think tank suggested variations of the Most Favored Nation and international reference policies in Medicare and Medicaid, as well as tariffs and other trade levers to rebalance drug pricing disparities between US countries and abroad.

CMS Nominee Oz Nears Confirmation Despite Concerns About Medicaid Cuts

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Democrats opposed the nomination because they believe Mehmet Oz will not defend Medicaid from spending cuts. His pledge to continue lowering drug costs in Medicare and Medicaid did not offset the concerns.

Branded Pharma And Generics Industries At Odds Over UK VPAG Framework


The UK branded drug industry is calling for adjustments to be made to the UK voluntary scheme framework for branded medicines, after the payment rate increased to 22.9% for 2025. Meanwhile, the generics industry says the scheme is functioning “as intended” and opposes any changes.

‘Hope And Scientific Spillover’ – Cross-Atlantic HTA Alliance To Focus On Novel Benefits


An initiative run by health technology appraisal (HTA) bodies in the US, Canada and England is looking at how non-traditional treatment benefits, such as the value of hope and scientific spillover, can inform appraisals and understanding of a product’s value.

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EMA’s Newly Qualified AI Tool To Boost MASH Market Dynamics


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Combating Bioequivalence Data Fraud: Indian CROs Face Mandatory Registration


As Indian CROs are bracing for new registration mandates, an expert panel at the IGBA’s 3rd Bioequivalence conference discusses the implications of non-compliance in bioequivalence studies.

Think Tank Suggests CMS, USTR Could Enforce Most Favored Nation, Other Drug Pricing Policies

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A Republican think tank suggested variations of the Most Favored Nation and international reference policies in Medicare and Medicaid, as well as tariffs and other trade levers to rebalance drug pricing disparities between US countries and abroad.