ACIP In Brief

Merck Rotateq pricing: CDC estimates the cost-effective ceiling for a three-dose vaccination series of Merck's pending rotavirus vaccine is $67, the agency reported to its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Oct. 27. Merck has not set a price for the vaccine, but said it is committed to a level that will assure widespread use and availability. CDC predicts cost-effectiveness of a routine vaccination schedule for Rotateq would be in the same range as Sanofi-Aventis' meningococcal vaccine Menactra. ACIP's rotavirus vaccine working group is recommending universal administration of three doses of the vaccine at two, four and six months of age. Merck expects approval of Rotateq in early 2006. GlaxoSmithKline said it is in discussions with FDA about licensing its rotavirus vaccine Rotarix in the U.S...

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