UK Aims To Quadruple Patient Recruitment To Industry Clinical Trials By 2027

The UK government has set aside dedicated funds to deliver ambitious changes that would make it quicker and easier for companies to trial more of their products in the National Health Service. 

Young businessman thinks over the steps for successful growth: Clinical trial
UK Wants To Speed Up The Delivery Of Commercial Trials And Boost Patient Involvement • Source: Shutterstock

The UK government has conveyed its seriousness about reversing the evident decline in commercial clinical trial activity in the country by promising “decisive action” on all 27 recommendations from an independent review on this topic.

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Gene Therapy ‘Survival Of The Fittest’ – Why Companies Need To Understand Health Systems


Cell and gene therapy manufacturers must consider the practicalities of their product within the context of a health care system before it comes onto the market to be successful, experts from Novartis, AstraZeneca and England’s National Health Service say.

Branded Pharma And Generics Industries At Odds Over UK VPAG Framework


The UK branded drug industry is calling for adjustments to be made to the UK voluntary scheme framework for branded medicines, after the payment rate increased to 22.9% for 2025. Meanwhile, the generics industry says the scheme is functioning “as intended” and opposes any changes.

‘Hope And Scientific Spillover’ – Cross-Atlantic HTA Alliance To Focus On Novel Benefits


An initiative run by health technology appraisal (HTA) bodies in the US, Canada and England is looking at how non-traditional treatment benefits, such as the value of hope and scientific spillover, can inform appraisals and understanding of a product’s value.

UK MHRA Prepares To Roll-Out Decentralized Manufacturing Framework

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The UK’s medicines regulator is pressing on with clarifying its expectations on decentralized manufacturing of medicines.

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