The $170m deal Perrigo Company PLC made 16 months ago to expand its infant formula production capacity also brought the heaviest drag on the firm’s earnings due to extensive remediation needed at the facility it acquired.
Infant Formula Production Expansion Brings Problems Souring Perrigo's 2024 Forecast
Perrigo doesn’t attempt to diminish significance of challenge to regain sales growth in formula market as it resets its plants. Analysts see formula business as only current impediment to stronger results.

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Kyle Diamantas was a partner with the Jones Day firm when he was tabbed as acting deputy commissioner to lead the FDA’s Human Foods Program, established in the agency’s reorganization which became effective in October.
Streamlined process for reporting problems is key piece of “unified Human Foods Program” which officially launched on 1 October, as Commissioner Robert Califf says, “a new model for field operations and other modernization efforts.”
Brands also making market moves as lawmakers consider legislation instructing Transportation Security Administration to provide guidance to minimize risk for contamination of baby formula and related pediatric nutritional products.
Green Pharmaceuticals’ SnoreStop Nasal Spray, previously marketed as “NasoSpray,” still is available even though agency officials on multiple occasions for a month recommended a recall after an April inspection found “gross microbial contamination” in one lot.
More from Policy & Regulation
Eliminating self-affirmation process would require companies to publicly notify FDA of their intended use of ingredients and provide safety data before they’re introduced. Kennedy says the process is “a loophole” for introducing ingredients and chemicals “with unknown safety data.”
Supplements already under close scrutiny in the EU have been linked to severe adverse effects on the musculoskeletal system and liver, even at low doses.
Kyle Diamantas was a partner with the Jones Day firm when he was tabbed as acting deputy commissioner to lead the FDA’s Human Foods Program, established in the agency’s reorganization which became effective in October.