Cutting the waiting time for authorization of novel ingredients used in dietary supplements by a minimum of three months is the aim of a proposal by the UK’s Food Standards Agency.
UK Proposes Accelerating Authorizations Of Novel Supplements Like CBD
UK Food Standards Agency proposes shaving a minimum of three months off novel food authorization procedure as part of wider plans to shake-up the process for products like CBD supplements.

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“It's kind of a free for all,” says longtime FDA funding advocate Steven Grossman. FDA knew funding it requested “was totally inadequate to the needs. So, Food Chemical Safety is stuck there with about six or eight other purposes the money could have been used for.
CRN petition argues against general preclusion while NPA petition addressed specifically FDA’s wielding of the provision to prohibit the use of NMN supplements available in US. “FDA has acknowledged that they really can't answer one without answering. The two are inextricably linked,” says CRN CEO Steve Mister.
Supplements already under close scrutiny in the EU have been linked to severe adverse effects on the musculoskeletal system and liver, even at low doses.
UK industry association is offering online courses on subjects ranging from UK medicines regulations basics to deep dives on complex topics such as CBD.