Rapid Changes In Marketplace, Business Models Challenge Food Safety Regulation To Keep Pace

Traditionally, 15 to 20 years ago, a business model would take 10 to 12 years to spread nationwide in food products marketplace, but currently more rapid adoption makes food safety regulation more difficult, says Steve Mandernach, Association of Food and Drug Officials.

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Ensuring the safety of foods has become more urgent during the COVID-19 pandemic as more consumers order food and nutritional supplements online and more businesses enter the retail space, some bringing new business models.

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PAGB Launches E-Learning Platform Including CBD ‘Deep Dive’

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Trade group ready to work hand-in-hand with agency and other supplement industry stakeholders on potential regulatory changes or improvements, says president and CEO Steve Mister. “None of them are upsetting the basic balance of things that DSHEA was attempting to do, but there are things with 30 years that we've identified that need to be kind of fixed.”

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