New York's Halt On Sales To Minors Could Catch More Than Weight Loss, Bodybuilding Products

“What are retailers going to do? They're either going to put it behind a case or they're going to put it in a pharmacy-only counter where you have to ask for assistance to get it,” says CRN CEO Steve Mister. “Until we have some more insight, we're being over inclusive in terms of what we're including,” says attorney Claudia Lewis.

• Source: Shutterstock

Consumers in New York could find a broad selection of consumer health products in locked cabinets or perhaps no longer offered in some stores when the state imposes age restrictions on sales of weight loss and bodybuilding dietary supplements and OTC drugs.

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Traceability Rule Compliance Extended For Providers Of Herbals, Other Food Ingredients


FDA says “extension affords covered entities the additional time necessary to ensure complete coordination across the supply chain in order to fully implement the final rule’s requirements—ultimately providing FDA and consumers with greater transparency and food safety.”

PAGB Launches E-Learning Platform Including CBD ‘Deep Dive’

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CRN Urges Tighter NDI Enforcement, Offers Its OWL As Model For FDA’s Potential Mandatory List


Trade group ready to work hand-in-hand with agency and other supplement industry stakeholders on potential regulatory changes or improvements, says president and CEO Steve Mister. “None of them are upsetting the basic balance of things that DSHEA was attempting to do, but there are things with 30 years that we've identified that need to be kind of fixed.”

Age-Restricting Sales Of Supplements, OTCs Remains Action Item For New Jersey Lawmakers


New Jersey Assembly passed bill amended to expand extensively in defining which products, or ingredients, would be subject to a ban on sales to consumers younger than 18.

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HHS Secretary Kennedy Directs FDA To Consider Axing Self-Affirmed GRAS ‘Loophole’


Eliminating self-affirmation process would require companies to publicly notify FDA of their intended use of ingredients and provide safety data before they’re introduced. Kennedy says the process is “a loophole” for introducing ingredients and chemicals “with unknown safety data.”

Red Yeast Rice Supplements Facing EU Ban Following Safety Review

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Supplements already under close scrutiny in the EU have been linked to severe adverse effects on the musculoskeletal system and liver, even at low doses.

Old Problem Of Drugs In Supplements Welcomes US FDA’s Acting Food Chief To New Program


Kyle Diamantas was a partner with the Jones Day firm when he was tabbed as acting deputy commissioner to lead the FDA’s Human Foods Program, established in the agency’s reorganization which became effective in October.