Death Linked To Caffeine Powder Prompts UK Supplements Guidance

Food Standards Agency tells companies marketing caffeine supplements, “It is your responsibility to ensure food supplements you sell are safe for human consumption.”

• Source: Shutterstock

Companies marketing food supplements containing caffeine are being urged by the Food Standards Agency to ensure their products comply with UK legislation.

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Traceability Rule Compliance Extended For Providers Of Herbals, Other Food Ingredients


FDA says “extension affords covered entities the additional time necessary to ensure complete coordination across the supply chain in order to fully implement the final rule’s requirements—ultimately providing FDA and consumers with greater transparency and food safety.”

NAD/CARU Review Of Beauty Firm’s Social Media Posts Shows Impact Of ‘Sephora Kids’ Trend


BBB National Programs’ NAD and CARU divisions jointly reviewed the social media posts of New York firm Bubble Beauty, finding the company could support claims of safety, but not efficacy, of its skin care products for children under 13.

OptiBiotix Benefitting From Popularity Of Anti-Obesity Drugs

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Growing use of GLP-1 receptor agonists is having a positive knock-on effect on the dietary supplements market, reports OptiBiotix Health, marketer of the SlimBiome weight management prebiotic.